October 05, 2014

Month in Review: September 2014

It's that time again - then end of a month and the beginning of another. Can you believe it's been nearly five months since I started this blog!? Not to toot my own horn but I'm pretty impressed with my ability to keep this up for this long so far and I hope you guys are all still enjoying it!

Some exciting things that happened this month:
- I ran a freaking half marathon!! It was the most incredible experience, read more in my post here.
- I made a fairly impromptu and random three day trip to Cleveland, OH to visit a friend and was pleasantly surprised by the flyover state! So beautiful, I had such a great time.
- The iPhone 6 and iOS 8 came out along with the announcement for the apple watch... While the phone has received plenty of ridicule and has had plenty of issues, I am definitely enjoying the updates in iOS 8 and must admit I'm totally jonesing for the watch
- It's practically old news now but the ever-bachelor, George Clooney is now a married man. Talk about a gorgeous couple!! 
- Football has begun and fantasy conversations have swept the nation, I'm excited to say that for the first year ever I'm actually a part of it and man, is football fun. So far my team is 2-2 with some very large swings in high and low points but keep your fingers crossed for me that the highs start to out way the lows!!

New discoveries this month:
- For those with an iPhone 5 or higher the new iOS 8 operating system now allows for you to download new keyboards should you not be totally satisfied with the old iPhone standard. This means we iPhoners can now finally have a swipe input keyboard! I've been using Swype ($0.99) and have to say that I'm truly obsessed - it's just so much faster (and worth the dollar)!!
- imoji, this is an AWESOME app that essentially lets you make your own "stickers" to text and send your friends via your phones camera or pictures from the Internet. There is literally no better way to send that picture of a cat lifting a dumbbell or Arron Rodgers beautiful and fierce face.
- This last one actually isn't a new discovery at all since I've known about it for at least a year but I realized I don't think I've shared it with all of you and you should definitely know about it, it's called The Skimm and its a daily email that basically sums up the day's biggest news stories in language that makes even the most complicated issues and puts into terms anyone could understand. While it really is just an overview it has a wide array of topics such as international and national level news, pop culture updates and even an occasional book recommendation. Basically reading this email once a day can prepare you for any current event party conversation. 

What to look forward to here on Muneshine:
- More fall! And more consistency. Guys, I apologize for my lack of organization this month leading to late and missing posts. I'm hoping with the start of a new month I can take back the reigns a bit on all things Muneshine and get this back to what I know it can be and what it should be. Thanks for bearing with me in the meantime!

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