May 02, 2014

Bad Habits

Image from Burlap & Lace Blog

Recently a co-worker of mine asked me what my worst 'bad habit' was and it got me thinking. I don't bite my nails and I don't grind my teeth, I don't eat too much McDonalds or smoke cigarettes so what, I asked myself, is my worst 'bad habit'? Of course there's the occasional act of not doing my dishes, or the fact that I don't return the shower to the "tub" setting when I get out (something that apparently drives my roommate bonkers) but these I tell myself can not be my biggest faults. No I would have to say that according to my boyfriend my worst bad habit is leaving my worn clothes on the ground of our bedroom and according to me it's watching too much TV.

Now the clothes thing - I've been trying to work on that for ages.... and I'd like to think I'm making some progress but most likely I'm not (it just doesn't seem to bother me as much as it should). However, the TV thing actually came as a surprise to me. Growing up I didn't have cable and I was thus never a giant TV watcher. Then in college without my TV-averse mother around and with the influence of my TV-accustomed roommates things slowly changed. What started as just having The Food Network on in the background turned into an affection for certain comedy shows and then detective thrillers (I mean who doesn't love reruns of L&O SVU??) but before I knew it I was addicted! Once I no longer had cable I found myself looking up ways to pirate TV shows on my computer - finding friends and family I could harass into letting me use their Hulu Plus account and worshiping the geniuses at Netflix as though they were Gods.

Needless to say I have come to realize that things need to change. That my binge re-watching of all of these shows (no matter how good- sorry Cheers) must come to an end. Thus, I have decided to quit TV cold turkey for the month of May. Already I'm noticing just how much time there is in a day when you don't waist it watching 30+ min episode after 30+ min episode - I've finished a book, I'm already halfway through another, I've read more news articles and picked up blogging again! (okay, I actually started the challenge on Apr 29th, but still!) Yes, I'm nervous I might feel more 'bored' but then again I think this will only open up a world of opportunity! ...AWAY WE GO!

So I'm curious - what are your bad habits? Are you doing anything to try to fix them? Or have you just decided to accept them?


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