May 16, 2014

Digital Take Over

I recently saw a video going around the internet that I just had to share with you all. While I recognize the irony of sharing an anti-digital message on a digital forum, I think it is important for everyone to watch it.

It's a spoken poem about the fact that society no longer interacts with one another but rather spends day in and day out on their electronic devices. It starts stating "I have 422 friends, yet I'm lonely," a powerful and yet relevant message in today's society. I also enjoyed the line, "smart phones, dumb people," because who doesn't feel like this is the case these days - what with people texting while walking and blatantly running into people or worse yet crossing streets without looking up. It's hard to believe those same people then get into cars and do the same thing.

I encourage everyone to watch this video (finish reading this post) and then GET OUTSIDE. Particularly because the weather (at least year in the NorthEast) has finally been getting nice again!

Cheers and have a great weekend!


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