May 23, 2014

Keeping Up With Your Correspondences

There is a scene in an episode of "Friends" in which Rachel [inevitably] gets mad at Ross and threatens to stay home from his awards banquet to "keep up with her correspondences;" at which point she pulls out a shoe box full of note cards and an address book and begins writing out notes.

Talk about a dead art.

Truth be told technology has brought us a long way from needing to send friends notes and hand-written messages and yet, I think it's something that coming generations need to be woeful about tossing to the wayside.

I recently read an article in the New York Times about not the lost but the "Found Art of Thank-You Notes" and it got me thinking. While I am a firm believer in sending a Thank You card and have made a very conscious effort to send more, I have come to realize how little I send notes of good tidings. After all, who wouldn't want to get a card in the mail every once in a while rather than just bills?

Maybe it's as a result of this subconscious desire to write more friendly notes (or just as a result of my sending Thank-yous) but over the last year or so I've found myself purchasing tons of note cards. In fact, I've amassed a small collection that I have always been grateful to have on hand - I mean it's so much easier to remember to write a Thank You card when you have one in your bedside drawer. Now if only I began using them for a more broadened level of correspondence.

What do you think? Do you hand write any notes any more? Do you wish you did more often?

Cheers and have a wonderful weekend!


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