June 23, 2014

Day Trips

I don't know about you but small day trips or adventures are probably one of favorite things. I love finding new places and spaces - especially when I'm back in my hometown - there's just something so surreal about finding something new in a city I always thought I knew so well. I find it refreshing to explore more of my old stomping grounds and find parts of town that I never knew about before. 

On one of these exploratory excursions last week I stumbled upon one of the coolest oasis' on the outskirts of town called The Sacred Space. It was the perfect combination of retail space and complete retreat.

The way they had decorated and filled out the rooms with handpicked and thoughtfully curated items for the space was both incredible and soothing. In total they had done five different rooms with a variety of items and they had even re-done the backyard with ponds, benches and tons of greenery. The result was a wonderful space to listen to the babbling water, sit back and let yourself be taken to an entirely different world. Another surprising and fun treat was that they also provided complimentary tea for 'guests'!

I could have spent an entire afternoon perusing the space, filled to the brim with beautiful stones, votives, sculptures, furniture jewelry and so much more. A person could walk through for hours and never see everything.

Needless to say it was an awesome find and a worthwhile stop on the 101 - I can't wait to go back the next time I'm in town!

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