June 20, 2014

Half Marathon Training: Part 1

That’s right ladies and gentleman - I’m going to be running a Half Marathon. Lately I’ve been upping my running game and have been truly enjoying it so what better way to push myself? Initially it was my roommates idea - he ran a full marathon in March and almost immediately afterwards set his sights on running a second full marathon (I know, he’s nuts). This second one is the Hampton's Marathon in September and when he mentioned there was a half marathon option, and that a bunch of us should sign up I honestly figured there couldn’t be a much prettier way to run a half marathon. So I signed up.

Of course signing up is the easy part… now the real stuff begins.

I signed up for a RunKeeper training plan and if you haven’t heard of RunKeeper you should. It’s an awesome (newish) running app designed here in Boston and it’s super useful and fun. Among it’s many useful tasks RunKeeper keeps track of your routes, tracks your rate, time, and elevation and can be set to announce these stats throughout your run (via your headphones). It also has great free training schedules for virtually any goal. I recently did a weight loss plan that included a variety of run types (distance, sprints, Fatlek) over the course of a month and a half and encouraged and reminded me to run every other day.

My current Half Marathon training course is similar - it’s a run every other day and gradually increase your distance plan and while I’m confident I’ll be able to do my run in September the task ahead is somewhat daunting.

I’ll keep you periodically up to date though and let you know how training is going.

And please feel free to pass along any advice you may have for me!


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