July 28, 2014

Month in Review: July 2014

Good bye July - Hello August! Who can believe it?! 

Some exciting things that happened this month:
- I came back to Boston this month! Kayaked the Charles river, made a 24 hour trip to NYC to visit an old friend who was in town, AND I had my little brother visit!
- I finally officially quit one of my two jobs so I can hopefully have some actual time to enjoy August 
- and I still managed to keep this blog going!

New discoveries this month:
- I've been obsessing with StumbleUpon.com this month - prowling the internet for inspiration
- The Leftovers - a crazy and unbelievably interesting new series on HBO Go 
- Fruit smoothies - homemade, store bought, either way they're delicious and make me so happy that it's Summer! 

What to look forward to on Muneshine Moments:
August will most likely be a doozy of a month - packed full of summer fun and sprinkled with work. I don't doubt that it will fly by but I can't wait to share my adventures and document my time here! Expect more drink and food recipes and some inspiring party decor and planning posts. 

Hope your enjoying your summer and that you had a great July! Here's wishing you the best in August! 

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