August 29, 2014

Breakfast of Champions

Recently I decided that I need to both expand my personal eating variety as well as move towards a bit healthier food routine - basically I needed to stop reverting to making myself burritos and quesadillas.

I started by taking a good look at my eating habits at home - noting that I was buying food at the market mainly for dinners despite the fact that I work most nights and eat with friends basically every night I'm not working. I never eat dinner at home so a lot of the dinner foods I was buying I was eating smaller portions of for pieces of breakfast and lunch and then throwing out the rest once it had gone bad. Therefore my first step in realizing this was to focus my grocery shopping and food exploration of breakfast and lunch meals and forget about dinner all together.

Then I did some research on some healthy and fun B&L recipes for inspiration and decided on a couple key ingredients I wanted to keep around the house, namely - greek yogurt, lox, tomatoes, cucumbers, bananas and apples. I also decided to pick up some healthier snacking alternatives such as raisins, almonds and plain popcorn.

So far the results have been super fun and delicious. I'm now making a bigger point of cooking myself a big ol' breakfast of eggs, chicken sausage and a fruit or veggie and eating it at the kitchen table with coffee, a protein shake, water and a good book.

Today's variation was particularly tasty so I decided to share it with you guys. Let me know what you think!

Also the recipe for this unbelievably delicious and quick yogurt parfait is featured after the leap! Enjoy!

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