August 18, 2014

Desk Inspiration Shots

For anyone who's seen my closet-sized bedroom you know that it's FAR too small to house a desk. Which I've accepted. Mostly. It doesn't mean that I don't still get envious when I see some of the beautiful and enviously comfortable images of desks that are out there. Today's post is just me sharing my desk inspirations and dreams - enjoy!

Victoria is one of my favorite bloggers and has some of the best taste I've seen so it's no surprise that her desk is the basis of my dreams.
Image from Vmac+Cheese 

Reclaimed wood and jasmine - count me in:

Image from Etsy

Image from Pink Peonies

Another unbelievably talented and beautiful blogger, Rachel Parcell has outdone herself with this elegant and feminine desk - I love the white and gold with hints of pink!

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