May 28, 2014

Hump Day Reflections: May 28th

Recently I've been struggling a bit with my work life. When I moved to Boston I took a job as a waitress at a local restaurant and told myself it would be temporary while I figured stuff out. However, as time has passed in the position I've come to discover that it's actually a job that I really love doing. Then recently, I decided to change restaurants but instead, through a series of guilt-incuded decisions I've ended up working for two restaurants, 6 days a week - aka working my butt off.

Now there are a lot of things about this that I'm struggling with: my feeling as though I need to get an office job but not actually wanting give up serving, my dealing with and accepting that plenty of wonderful people make serving their completely viable "real job", and of course my putting my own desires and needs on the back burner when I attempt to be everywhere and do everything for everyone. 

I chose this quote today as a reminder to myself to slow down, look around, remember that I love what I'm doing and find happiness in being lucky enough to do it - even if it's not forever, even if I'm doing too much of it and even if I have my struggles with it. At the core of it all I need to focus on the joy I get out of life - as we all need to. 



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