May 30, 2014

Month in Review: MAY 2014

Is it just me or is it crazy to believe that May is over?! I suppose that means it's time to say goodbye to Spring and HELLO SUMMER!!

This month has been unbelievably productive and busy and all together successful in my book and I have so many awesome things to share with you in my month review post. So let's get started!

Some exciting things that happened this month:
- I FINALLY got Muneshine Moments up and rolling and have managed to keep up with it consistently.
- I Bought a BBQ and have been using the heck out of it and have managed to make some VERY yummy (and healthy) dinners.
- I officially switched my full time job this month while also successfully managing to work two jobs simultaneously

Some fun things I discovered this month:
These awesome Firecracker Sugar Cookies from MomDot that I made for my Memorial Day BBQ which were a huge hit and will definitely make a comeback for the 4th of July
- this is an awesome and helpful website. I'm currently trying to plan a road trip through upstate NY and western MA that I'll be taking with my parents later this summer and this site makes it SO much easier - I highly suggest it to anyone trying to organize a car based vacay.
- Easton Corbin's latest album, "All Over the Road." I realize he released it in 2012 - but I only just discovered it and it's super fun and a great compilation for the start of Summer!

What to look forward to on Munshine Moments:
I'M HEADED TO CALIFORNIA FOLKS! I'll be headed west at the start of June and will be laying out and writing in the sunshine for most of the month (I'm one lucky duck!). So you can look forward to tons of beautiful beach pics, wine tasting adventures and more, because I have a ton of fun stuff planned for Muneshine!

Au revoir friends, hope you too had a marvelous May and hoping you the best of Junes


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