June 02, 2014

What's In Your Carry On Bag

Hope everyone had an awesome weekend! I still can't believe it's already June! And with that time for me to make my journey across the country! I couldn't be more excited but as with every other trip I've ever taken, the packing part always stresses me out more than it probably should. However, considering how many times I've now made this trip there are some things it can confidently do with ease. For example what to put in ones personal carry-on bag or purse.

So here it goes, my tips and tricks for your carry-on personal effects:

First things first, make sure to choose a purse or bag that is medium to large in size. I generally prefer a tote-style bag with no dividers and few pockets and I always try to ensure that it zips or clasps closed. Additionally, it's good to look for a bag that has both over the shoulder straps AND a cross body option just in case. This is the one I'll be using for this trip (it doesn't have the zipper but will double well in CA as a beach bag so I'm going for it)

Next is what to put in your bag. As I said before, I prefer open bags so I always pack a few smaller cases within, such as my makeup case and a case with any other loose items I want to easily be able to locate (i.e. chap stick, mints or gum, passport, tissues, pen). I like to keep my keys in an inside zipper pocket so that I can always find them. On my way back I don't want to have to worry about finding them or about their getting lost during the trip (I've heard horror stories of people loosing their keys on vacation and having to deal with that instead of being able to relax on their return).

For in flight entertainment - the most important thing: HEADPHONES, I made one cross country trip without them - never again. With that, a music or video player - I usually just use my phone for music and if I have my life together prior to leaving, I'll upload movies to my iPad for the flight. I always like to bring a non-electronic option as well, be it a novel, magazine or book of sudoku or crosswords - just something to do when I get sick of looking at a screen or during the few minutes they ask you to have everything turned off.

For comforts I like to bring a large scarf that can double as a pillow or blanket depending on my needs (sometimes I'll wear a sweater as well for these purposes). I know a lot of people like to bring inflatable pillows and I won't say they don't look on in envy some trips but I've just never felt the need to purchase one when a scarf can do. I also always try to bring a disposable water bottle and a couple snacks so I don't have to purchase the overpriced, not great food at the airport and it's easy enough to throw in a bag of carrots, cheese and crackers or some Luna bars before leaving the house. For the water bottle I usually leave the house with it half full so I don't have to chug too much at security and then I just find a water fountain (always in front of the restrooms near the terminals) and refill for the flight.

Finally, I always like to prepare myself for a grand arrival. I like to have a toothbrush, deodorant, perfume and basic makeup necessities so once I arrive I can run to the restroom and refresh to get ready for a days adventure in a new local.

A couple other random but still very important items I always like to have: my glasses, my phone charger and a notebook. Usually all of this does get a little heavy but never leaves me wanting.

What do you think? Am I missing something vital? Do I have too much?


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