July 18, 2014

Friday's Are Fun

So this week has been crazy and busy including a 24 hour trip to New York to visit with an old friend and working two jobs! On the plus side my little brother is in town visiting now which I'm super stoked about. But needless to say, I haven't had much time to settle back into the swing of things since I got back from vacation - let alone spend as much time as I would like working on this blog! So today I've just pulled together a couple of awesome websites and links that I've stumbled upon and thought you all might enjoy.

Image from Liquor.com
- This little guy is actually SUPER easy to make - or at least they make it appear so in their video tutorial on Liquor.com. I can't wait to try it out myself on my next tropical themed cocktail!

Image from Bliss Studio
- I don't know about you but I've become very aware recently (namely as I run around from state to state, job to job and activity to activity) that it would behoove me to make a bigger effort to add more serenity and meditation to my life. I've known about YogaDownload.com for a while now but it's time for me to make a bigger effort to utilize it more! For those of you interested in doing more at home yoga as well this site is a must-see. They offer a ton of classes ranging in length and price as well as an awesome array of FREE 20 minute session Podcasts available for download on the iTunes store!

Image from Aminimal Studio
- Recently one of my co-workers was wearing one of these incredible necklaces from Aminimal Studio and I was blown away. For a necklace they're a bit on the higher end at $40-$50 but you have to admit they make a beautiful statement piece and with city maps from around the world they can serve as a wonderful talking point! Personally, I'm drawn to the Boston one ;) but I won't say I haven't also been eyeing the London necklace (for those of you that don't know me, London is my favorite city in the world). Each design is also available as earrings and comes in Silver and Black options if Gold just isn't your thing.

Well hope you enjoyed - have a great weekend!

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