July 14, 2014

Up For Debate: Tablets vs Laptops

Image from The Next Digit

Recently I've been having a similar discussion over and over with a number of different people in my life - tablet or laptop. This is an interesting debate to me both because it shows how far we've come in technology in just the last 5 years and also just because I tend to be a technology consumer and love to discuss the ups downs pros and cons of new products versus the tried and true. 

I think first and foremost it's important to note my skepticism 5 or so years ago when apple first announced it would be coming out with a tablet device, "what could possibly be e necessity for such a superfluous device" I wondered aloud to anyone who would listen (which wasn't many of the people I talked to). I assumed at first it would only be relevant for people who traveled a lot as they were so much lighter than a laptop. But now the tablet world is a completely different game. With the new Surface 2 out and the 3 on the way, the need for a laptop at all is practically obsolete. Even the iPads are becoming used more and more on the regular for work and not just play as they were originally associated with. In fact, I'm currently writing this post on my iPad and finding that the touch screen keypad is extremely effective and quite easy to use - I can still type two handed and quite nearly in the same fashion as a traditional keyboard. 

So then the debate begins - can tablets actually replace our faithful laptops?

I think the answer obviously lies in what your purposes are, your needs, and your uses. But ultimately yes. 

I think that tablets such as the surface which run word docs, folders, and have a desktop-like interface and a seamless keyboard attachment can ultimately take the place of bigger laptops, particularly for students and young professionals who find themselves on the move often (living  in a big city and needing your work/play with you). 

Another great argument for tablets is their size and wight. They are the next step in portability going now where laptops never could. Even the lightest laptops have become too cumbersome when compared to their tablet counterparts. 

However, I think it's fair to argue just the opposite as well - that in fact tablet size is also a debilitating factor, The downside is of course screen size. In a world of bigger is always better. Tablets are going to tend to be smaller than what a laptop can offer - after all, that's the point, they're portable and light. As a result for video and photo editing, design and for some, the replacement of a television set (thank you Netflix) a laptop could end up being a better option with a bigger work space.  

What do you think? Have you converted to a tablet? Would you?

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